Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Birthday, Yanni!

Today's the birthday of my niece, Mary Yanni. She's now six years old! Oh, how time flies really fast! Fast forward, we will be celebrating her debut. I am looking forward for that to happen. 

We just returned earlier from Yanni's school. My assignment was to drive for them and just took photos while my sister and Yanni's teacher took charge of the food distribution. Simple packed snacks were prepared for her classmates like spaghetti, Jollibee burger, juice and a small pouch filled with candies. 

When time for snack (2PM), foods were already distributed. I can see the happiness & innocence in their eyes. It was very heartwarming to see and it's a different kind of feeling when you see someone happy by doing so little. 

Photos overload!
These were prepared last night by my sister (Yanni's mom). 

Off we go.

Yanni's school. 

The Prayer & the Birthday Song

Eating Time!
Her actual classroom sitting arrangement with her teacher.

My son was busy playing outside.... with the stones! 

My son gave me this flower fresh from the pot. 

Thank you! Happy birthday, Yanni!

Now, busy with food preparation. The celebration doesn't end there. There is still a party tonight. This time, for family only. 

Thanks for reading!


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