Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunday Fun Day!

Sunday is really for family and every moment spent is priceless! Especially nowadays, where everyone's tangled up with personal activities. And sparing a single day of your time for your family means everything already.

So last Sunday, we spent it at the beach to celebrate my niece's post-birthday celebration. Celebrated already last January 12, in her school, together with her classmates (read it here) and with family at night.

As usual, I made sure to prepare all the beach essentials for me and my son. Before, I really dreaded the scorching heat of the sun! I love the beach minus the sun. Why? Because I don't like my white complexion gets dark. So I preferred night swimming instead. But now, I don't give a sh** about it! I just want my son to enjoy the sea and reap its health benefits. Gone are my vanity days. All I need is a lotion with SPF100+++. The higher SPF, the better!

All packed up, left on time at seven o'clock in the morning and reached the beach at eight. Got our cottage, brought all the things that we prepared and wasted no time. My sister, brothers and parents prepared the foods while the girls tended the babies! Focused on our respective child. The beach can be fun but very risky too, especially for toddlers like ours.

Wow! The beach was perfect as well as the weather! It was so perfectly hot! My son was still lying down in his stroller carefree of his surroundings. First things first. Lotion! So I applied heavily all over my body and face too for sun protection as well as to my son the minute he was conditioned to play and swim already.

Since it's a family day, I couldn't help snaped lots of pictures. So this is going to be a pretty heavy-visual post. Hope you love it! :)


~ panoramic view ~

~  right side view ~

~ left side view ~

~ center ~ 

~ Loving the clear, blue sky! ~

~ banana boat riding ~

~ kayaking ~

~ morning sun ~


~ playing with the bugs (a detachable plastic ladybug from my Ipanema slipper) ~ 

~ favorite beach activity

~ he was like, "what's happening there?" ~ 

~ i hid the ladybugs but he came looking for it ~ 

~ conquered fear of being alone in minutes ~ 

~ killer smile ~

~ excuse my baby (not a nice shot), but i love the coconut trees & the sky behind ~ 

~ i had the best view ever! ~


 ~ see that thing he was holding? he said it was an octopus! ~ 


~ with my sisters-in-law and nieces ~ 

~ so sweet of little Aryan ~ 

~ the celebrant ~ 

~ cousins and Yen (rightmost)

~ my brother's family ~ 

~ my brother's (not in the picture, cooking) family ~ 

~ older brother ~ 

~ my father & son ~ 

~ my son had visitor from the neighborhood ~ 

~ groupie ~ 

~ my son got a nice tan ~ 

~ too bad i can't swim. my hair was rebonded. ~ 

 ~ shy ~ 

Now time to go home. Even if the foods were not lavish, one things for sure, it was time well spent with family! Exhausted and tired, but the memories linger on forever! 

Thanks all for reading! Time check: 2:35AM. Lights off. Goodnight! 

jackie ;)

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